Tuesday, October 28, 2008

PDAY (Aug 21, 2008)

Its pday email me.


(from Jameson to Dalton)

Hey Dalton,

Did you get the dear elder.com letters that I sent? (last week). I just wanted to make sure that they got through to you.

Yesterday when I was at work, Jessie called me crying- she was in her classroom getting it ready for the kids and she dropped a desk on her big toe and totally smashed it. By the time I got there, the bleeding had stopped, but the toe was totally smashed- the nail was sideways and obviously the cuticle under the nail had been ripped... Pretty gross/cool.

We went to the hospital in Redwood City and then they transferred us to occupational medicine, which is where they handle anything that happens on the job. The doctor just cleaned it up and tried to move the nail back to its original position, and then taped it into that position. I guess he said that whenever you are going to lose a nail, you should try to keep it taped on for as long as possible because that helps the next nail to grow in...

Anyways, it looked pretty painful.

You probably heard that Michael Phelps was 8 for 8 in Golds, and set 7 WRs. I've attached a picture of the finish of one of his races. It was crazy. You'll be able to see one where it is almost done, and then the finish. It was 1/100th of a second. He's on the left.

When is your last day in the MTC? Which General Authorities have you seen?




I did get your Dear Elders and I got your letter also. This place is really great. I can see why you loved it so much. I ship out on Sep 16th. This past Tuesday we saw Elder Oaks and he talked about the importance of the sacrement. I really liked his talk but one of the things that I noticed the most is that many of the things that he talked about I had heard Dad tell us before.

The longer I am here the more appreciate I have for my family. I really appreciate all of the things that you guys do for me.

I can't see those photos because they have it all blocked on the computers in the MTC. I will probably be able to see them when I get into the field. But for pictures and stuff you should just send them to me in a letter if you want me to get them.

I am sorry to hear that about Jesse, but I am sure that it would have looked pretty cool. I think that our family is a little weird in that we like to look at those things. It could be that we just have so much experience with those things that we are use to them.

Thanks for the email, there is a letter on the way home and it should get there around Sat, so just call Mom and she should fill you in on other happenings. I am so happy to be a missionary and I love every minute of my time here. Keep me updated on anything cool.

Elder Haslam

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