Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Dear Family,

So I don't really have that much time so this will be quick. I got my flight plans last Friday so I will be leaving for NJ on tuesday the 16th. My flight goes out of Salt Lake at 9:40 on Delta Airlines and gets into Philly at 4:05. I need to be at the front of the MTC by 6 am and I am so excited. i am so excited to get out into the field and teach people the gospel.

Everything is going well here. This past tuesday President Utchdorf came and spoke to us at the devotional. It was really amazing and it was an awesome working experience. I wrote alot about it in a letter home so more will come with that letter. I am in good health and I am still the district leader here. I thought for sur that I would have been released by now but apparently I was mistaken. I have loved every minute of being the leader of my district and I am really grateful for the learning opportunity that I gained from being the leader.

I have learned tons from being in the MTC. I really loved every minute of the time that I have spent here. I have never learned so much in such a short period of time and felt the spirit so strong in everything that I do. I hope to continue on and learn more in the MTC so that I can be a better instrument in the hands of the Lord. I am so grateful for all of my many blessings and the wonderful example that every one has been in my life.

Ok so just a quick matter of business. Mom will you please mail to NJ my red Puma shoes and a sweater of some sort, thank you. Jameson I have filled up the Moleskin notebook that you gave me, and I would really appreciate it if you could mail a new one to NJ so that I can use it when I get there. If you could make it with grid paper, 4 by 6 inches ( around that size) I would really appreciate it. I will pay you back. Dad I will need money in my checking account to buy clothes when I get to new Jersey. Thank you. Anything that I don't use I will send back to you some how. (probably a check)

I will not be able to check email anytime soon, so if you have a response this week that is urgent send a Dear Elder (through Sat). Other than that send everything to New Jersey!!!

Elder Haslam

PS I can't remember my address right now but it is coming to you in the mail. Those packages aren't really urgent so don't worry about it too much.

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