Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Email from MTC, July 31 (2008)

Dear Family,

So today is p-day so I am on the computer. I don't really have anything to say. I put a good amount into a letter. I prefer to write anyways because we are timed on the computers and it does not produce an enviroment conducive to writing.

If yo have any questions sen me an email back and I will try to answer them before six.

Elder Haslam

PS My Spanish is getting much better and I can carry on a conversation with someone even though it is in very broken Spanish.



Thanks for the letter. I have gotten all of those things and I also got the tape from Dallin today. I am sure that Tal will be fine but I am also sure that Dad is just upset as you are about the whole situation. Alos lets hope that Tal and Jake can forgive each other.

It doesn't sound like something that Tal would do, so I hope that he wasn't stupid enough to abandon all of the advice that his brothers and father have given him over the years about knifes. But in any case life goes on and you learn from your mistakes.

Our zone was able to go to the temple today and it was an awesome experience. We are so blessed to have temples to go to. I am growing so much in the gospel and I feel like all of my prayers are being answered. I think that I have always had my prayers answered i just wouldn't stop to enjoy the answers while they came.

I am enjoying my time here at this wonderful place and there are letters on the way the way about my doings in the service of my God.

Elder Dalton Haslam

PS Can you have Kendall (or anybody), write to an Elder Hopoate. He is in my district and he isn't getting anymail. The address is the same expect NJ-CHL 0915 should be changed to CA-LA 0917. Thanks.

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