Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Just a little news (Sep 4, 2008)


So just a little news.

Things are going really well here. All of the memebers of my district enjoyed Dallin's tape. It is very entertaining so just keep it up. The food here has started to wear on me. It is good food it just seems that they serve the same things over and over again and just name it differently. So as a consequence of this, Frosted Flakes have become my very good friend. Also at this point we are considering getting lunch next Pday at the temple.

We get flight plans tomorrow, and everyone in my district is very excited to be able to know exactly when we are leaving. So I won't be able to update you completely on all of that until next week, but be ready because it will be the first thing in my letter to everybody next Thursday.

I don't very much else to say. I am working on Spanish and I am loving every minute in the MTC. My companions and I are working really hard and we are teaching alot. Since this is the last couple of weeks in the MTC we have been teaching lessons everyday, and we average about 6 lessons a day. I love to teach and some lessons go better than others but when a lesson does go well I can always feel the spirit very strongly. I can't wait until I can go out into the field and to teach people the message of the restoration.

Well I think that is everything that I have for now.

Elder Haslam

PS Jameson more study tips would be appreciate.

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