Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Pday (Aug 14, 2008)


I am doing really well. This past week has gone by really fast but I am loving every minute. I just got back from the temple and I always feel so happy after I go there; it is definitely one of the highlights of my week. Elder Bacon and I are great companions. We still have lots to do and improve on but we are getting better everyday. His visa was delayed so he is still in here for a little while longer, I am not really sure until when but we'll see. The language is coming along well and I am trying hard to learn as much as possible but there are definitely mountains still to climb. I am not really worried about it though, it will all get worked out.

Jordan Calderwood came in last wednsday. So he has been in for a little over a week now. I haven't seen him very often but I hope that I will be able to figure out a time where I can sit down and talk to him. I see some of my other friends sometimes but there is a lot to do and I am with my district for most of the day working so I don't see people I know a whole lot.

I haven't done anything musical yet but I might in the future. It depends on whether I feel I can sacrifice time to practice or not. There is pizza in here every other Friday, so I will get some tomorrow. Junior year was the hardest and most rewarding year of high school. That was the year that I made most of the fiends that I have now. It was really a great year. I have seen Lana around but I really ingnore her, which seems to have made her angry, but I don't really know what else to do.

I am a little bummed that I am missing the olympics and I here that Phelps is doing really well, but at this point I have more important things to do so I am not really sad. I also got another tape so I will see if I can but a padded envelope here and then sen it to Dallin.

This place is really amazing and I love every minute that I am here. So onward and upward. Keep writitng; there are letters in the mail on there way to you guys.

Elder Haslam

PS I am sending a letter to you for the Reisers, could you make sure that gets to them?

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