Dear Family,
So it snowed again here, alot. I thought that we had made it out of the worst part of winter but apparently not. There seems to be this unsettling trend were it will get warming for a couple of days, in the 50's, and then get really cold for a couple days. It definitely keeps us on our toes as to what we are going to wear. On the past weekend we got about 6 inches of snow, which is the most in one storm that we have gotten for the entire summer. And when it stopped snowing it got really cold so most of it froze. In Camden they plow the main streets but lots of the small side streets they cannot get into so they just leave it up to the people that live on the streets to take care of it. So about half of the city gets plowed and salted were as the other half grows a layer of ice over everything. So we have been walking a lot because we don't want to fall on our bikes with all of the ice. But it is supposed to get warmer over the weekend so hopefully that will save us.
In other news we had a cake fight with some members in our branch. It was crazy. I will attach some pictures and try to describe it the best that I can. One of the sister missionaries in our branch is going home today so for the past week the members have been doing stuff for her to make her feel loved. She spent half of her entire mission in this branch so she knows the members really well and has really become an honorary member of the branch. (my opinion is that she is nice but I am not a number one fan) Anyways the Cabrera family invited us over for lunch to say goodbye to her. When we got there they had a huge cake. This family is crazy and I have seen pictures of times when missionaries have been at there house with cake. So needless to say I was looking forward to some fun.
So was ate lunch and then cut the cake. And right when the sister was about to start eating her piece one of the sisters in the family smeared the cake all over her face. So cake started going every where and most of everybody ran away except for me Elder Rhoton and Patti Cabrera. She is crazy and started and ended the entire thing. She put cake in my ears and when we though we were done and cleaning up she brought our raw eggs and threw them at me and my companion.
It was really fun and we got some crazy looks riding home to take showers. It was a really fun day.
So how is everything going back home?
Oh, also Elder Rhoton and I are staying together for one more transfer which I am really excited about. This will be transfer number three so I hope is turns out well.
Elder Haslam
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