Monday, April 13, 2009

April, Rain, And General Conference

Dear Family,

So this past week has been lots of fun and kinda crazy. But to start off, confernece was really amazing. It was really great to hear the apostles and the prophet speak.They are such great men and it makes me feel very safe to know that God's servants lead our church. Their counsel and guidence really helps me through everything. It was intersting to see how many talks were dedicated to preparing and overcoming trials and hardships. So buckle-up more is on its way. I am not worried though, just like the apostle Paul said, everything will be for our benefit if we will trust in the Lord. The comfort that the gospel brings is something truly amazing. I really loved Elder Scott's talk about the plan of salvation. He has such great hope and faith and I am striving to be the same way. That no matter what happens, to know that God will provide a way for us to be with our families; all we have to do is follow the gospel plan an it will work out. Elder Holland's talk about the atonement was really amazing also. I am very excited for the ensign next month so that I can read them in english. I watched the conference in Spanish, and it was comforting to realize that I understand a ton more than last conference (almost everything) but some of the stories and jokes still go over my head when they say them in Spanish. But anyways I am excited to read them and study them in english.

As far as the week goes it went well. Elder Rhoton got sick last Friday but it turned out to be a huge blessing. A member of our branch picked me up and worked with me for the day so that Elder Rhoton could sleep.(one of the english elders stayed with him because there are three of them this transfer) Adam (the member, he is from Puerto Rico) was a ton of help and we got lots of work done. We taught lots of lessons and invited everyone we met to conference. He was a huge help and it was awesome to see the branch step up and help us out when we needed them. I really love the people here and I love being in Camden. It really is a great place. It obviously has some major problems but the people are really nice. That is one thing that I notice about white people that is different from everyone else. To me in general white people seem very cold. When we went to the priesthood session all of the white people would just walk by without saying hello to anyone. On the other hang the hispanics and black people would always stop and shake everyone's hand (even if they didn't speak the same language). Maybe I am being too harsh but many times it seems that white people are in a huge hurry to get where they are going. Oh well not that big of a deal.

So last monday was pretty crazy. In total between elder rhoton and I we got three flat tires. Which is too bad but then it was raining outside which made it not as fun to have to patch punctured tubes. The problem is that all of the streets are covered in glass and it is impossible to avoid all of it. We work hard to avoid the big chunks but eventually they get into out tires and make holes. I put a new tube on my back tire that is supposedly 'flat free' so we will see what happens. It is supposed to have this goo in the tube that seals punctures when they happen. I doubt that it will work for long but it is better than what I had before.

Thanks for the email Tal, and thanks for the package Kirsti. I have been cravy some good salty snack food, I just never want to spend the money to buy some so your package was heaven sent.

Mom, I got the check last week. Thanks a bunch for the money I really appreciate it. Next time it would be easier for me if you just put the money into my bank account though. It is kinda hard to cash checks.

Tal you need to sen me a picture of this 'nug' and you. and let me know what you swim time is. Last I heard it was at 5:24 which is way sweet.

So I hope everything is going well on the home front.

Elder Haslam

PS I am going to send you some pictures of this guy in our branch. His name is Harry Torres and is his crazy. I really like him a lot though. He was less-active but he has been coming to church for the past month and a half which is way cool. He is a schizophrenic which makes life interesting when we go over to his house.

1 comment:

Dolly said...

Hello Haslams-This is cousin Dolly in Utah! I'm hoping we can write to Dalton at this address listed. Our Elder Cameron is just months away from coming home:) Tell Laurie we're going to pick him up in Switzerland!