Saturday, January 31, 2009

Merry Christmas from Camden

Dear Friends and Family,

So that wonderful time of year has come around when the spirit of generosity touches people's heart and they give something to their loved one s that are near and dear to them. So I fell like I should give you all something, and since I am very far from most of you, live off 140 dollars a month, don't know all of your addresses, and since I am a missionary for my Lord, Jesus Christ; I will write this letter and hope that it gets to most of you.

So just a quick update for any of you that do not know where I have been for the past six months. I am living in New Jersey, speaking Spanish, and being a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I am currently living in Camden, NJ which is right across the rive from Philly. I go all around Camden on my bike and teach the Hispanics about the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. I live in an apartment with 3 other missionaries: my companion, who I go around with and teach with (he also speaks Spanish), and the two other missionaries work in Camden also but they speak English. Basically what we do is that we talk to everyone and anyone that will listen to us, that speaks Spanish.

My days usually go something like this. I wake up at 6:30 AM, exercise (which usually involves me jumping on the treadmill an running two miles). After that I shower and get ready for the day. By 8:00 AM I am in a white shirt and tie and I study the scriptures for two hours from 8 till 10. Then for an hour after that I study Spanish. Then I eat lunch, confirm plans for the day, and then jump on my bike and teach people about the gospel of Jesus Christ. We come home at night some time around 9:00 PM plan for the next day get ready for bed and go to sleep at 10:30 PM. During the day we knock on doors, talk to people in the street, teach people, visit members of our church, and hope that we don't have any bike problems.

I have been cussed at, spit at, called a liar, had doors slammed in my face, made fun of because of my Spanish, and I have had the best time that I have ever had in my entire life. What I am doing right now tops everything and anything that I have ever done before. I have the amazing opportunity to share something that has changed my life, something that I know will bring unending happiness to those who listen, and I have seen the changes that have happened to people because they chose to listen. I am able to give to other people all day long and not have to worry about my self at all. Everything that I own fits into a large suitcase, a duffel bag, and a small carry bag. I don't watch TV, I don't follow any news, I don't talk to my family except for a weekly letter or email, I don't date, I don't listen to music, I don't swim, and I am the happiest I have ever been in my entire life. Everyday I put on a black name tag that has my name on it and says that I am a servant of our Saviour, Jesus Christ. I serve the people around me in every way that I can.

I know that what I am teaching is true. I know that Jesus Christ died for me and you, so that we can repent of our sins, be resurrected, and return to live with our Heavenly Father after this life. I also know that His church has been restored on this earth through the prophet Joseph Smith and the power of God, His holy priesthood exists in the world today. God has not stopped talking to us, His children. He continues to reveal His will to us, so that we can be happy and so that we will know He exists and loves us. The heavens are not shut; they are open and blessing pour out upon us daily if we are willing to except them. I know this because our God has given me the knowledge through the Holy Ghost.

Otra vez, les digo que estas cosas son verdaderas.

I hope that everyone is doing well. Happy Holidays and a very Merry Christmas.

Elder Dalton Haslam

PS If you want to write me letters are always appreciated:
Elder Dalton Haslam
505 S Lenola Rd. # 124
Morrestown, NJ 08057

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